How Successful is Strabismus Surgery in Adults [Beyond Rates]

How Successful is Strabismus Surgery in Adults [Beyond Rates]

Having undergone strabismus surgery twice in childhood, I understand the hesitation and doubt that comes with the decision to undergo surgery. As a child, I had no say in the matter—my parents made the decision, and before I knew it, I was in the operating room 😐. Mr. Mark Boyce, the creator of Equal-Eyes, faced a different journey. He underwent his second strabismus surgery in his 50s, requiring careful consideration and reflection as an adult. This blog post is designed to provide you with statistical data from trusted sources, giving you a clear picture of how successful is strabismus surgery in adults. We'll also share unique insights from those of us who have been in your position.

The success rate of strabismus surgery and efficacy

Strabismus surgery has a generally high success rate, with studies indicating that approximately 60% to 90% of patients achieve satisfactory alignment of the eyes post-operation. Success rates can vary based on factors such as the type and severity of strabismus, the age of the patient, and the specific surgical technique employed. A systematic review published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology reported an overall success rate of about 75% for primary strabismus surgery (Ollivon et al., 2019). Additionally, the American Academy of Ophthalmology suggests that reoperation rates can be as low as 10% to 15% for those who do not achieve optimal results after the initial procedure. These statistics underline the effectiveness of strabismus surgery in correcting misalignment in both children and adults.

Strabismus surgery has low rate of complications

Serious complications from strabismus surgery are rare. The risk of injury to the eye during surgery is very low, making it a safe procedure for most individuals. However, like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks, and it is essential to discuss these with a healthcare provider.

Strabismus surgery is generally associated with a low rate of complications, with studies indicating an incidence of adverse events ranging from 1% to 5%. A systematic review published in the Journal of AAPOS reported that complications such as overcorrection, undercorrection, and infection occur in approximately 2% to 4% of cases (Hatt et al., 2012). Another analysis in the Ophthalmology journal showed that serious complications, such as significant hemorrhage or retinal detachment, are rare, occurring in less than 1% of patients (Wright et al., 2009). These statistics underscore the efficacy and safety of strabismus surgery, although individual risk factors can influence outcomes.

A risk worth taking for the benefits

The benefits are mainly aesthetic, as can be seen in the positive before and after strabismus surgery results in adults, but it can also have a positive impact in the following ways.


Strabismus surgery is also considered highly cost-effective. While the upfront costs may seem high, there's positive Cost Utility Analysis of Strabismus Surgery proving that its long-term benefits outweigh its costs; Improved quality of life, enhanced visual function, and reduced psychological distress make it a worthwhile investment. Moreover, the need for fewer medical consultations and treatments related to vision problems post-surgery can also contribute to cost savings.

Binocular Vision Improvement

One of the significant benefits of strabismus surgery is the improvement in binocular function. Many patients experience an expansion of their visual fields, which allows for better depth perception. Some individuals may even regain stereopsis, the ability to perceive three-dimensional depth, which can significantly enhance their quality of life.

Psychological Benefits

The psychological impact of strabismus cannot be underestimated. Many patients report significant improvements in their psychosocial quality of life following surgery. This includes reductions in anxiety, depression, and social anxiety. The improvement in eye alignment often boosts self-confidence and social interactions, leading to a better overall mental health.

Non-Surgical Alternative Treatments

For those who may not be candidates for surgery or prefer non-surgical options, vision therapy is a commonly recommended treatment for strabismus in adults. This therapy involves exercises designed to improve eye coordination and strengthen the eye muscles. While it may not provide the immediate results that surgery can, it can be even more beneficial for some individuals, especially those who suffer from amblyopia.

There is new hope for Adult Strabismus and Lazy Eye

Strabismus, Amblyopia Virtual Reality Solution by AvalonwebVR

Strabismus surgery will primarily help with the alignment of your eyes, but if you suffer from binocular vision disorders (which is usually the case) you will then need to take binocular vision dysfunction treatments like the New promising visual therapies, e.g. the Equal-Eyes VR Vision Therapy for binocular vision dysfunction.


In conclusion, strabismus surgery in adults is highly successful, with a success rate of about 80% after one procedure. The surgery offers numerous benefits, including improved binocular vision, psychological benefits, and cost-effectiveness. Serious complications are rare, making it a safe option for many. For those seeking non-surgical alternatives, vision therapy is a viable option. If you or a loved one is considering strabismus surgery, consult with a healthcare provider to discuss the best options for your specific situation.

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