How to Improve Depth Perception – New Treatments & Tips πŸ’ͺ

How to Improve Depth Perception – New Treatments & Tips πŸ’ͺ

Depth perception is the ability to judge the distance and spatial relationship between objects in your environment. It is crucial for everyday activities like driving, playing sports, and even walking. While depth perception is a natural ability, various factors can affect it, such as age, vision impairments, like strabismus and diplopia and neurological conditions like lazy eye. Here are several ways to improve depth perception, ranging from eye exercises to vision therapy.

What does it mean to improve depth perception?

It is vital to mention that improving depth perception means strengthening the binocular cues in order to achieve better binocular vision, hence stimulating stereopsis.

Enhancing depth perception requires the uses of multiple eyes exercise and visual therapy solutions to achieve the better results. The type of exercises and activities may vary based on the patient's health, e.g. is not the same to improve depth perception for a person with binocular vision than it is for a person with a visual impairment like lazy eye. If you suspect having symptoms of binocular vision dysfunction, you can take an at-home free online BVD test to help determining how well your eyes work together.

Ways to improve depth perception for anyone

In the following lines a series of vision treatments to improve 3D perception will be listed, taking in consideration how people with good vision health as well as people with binocular vision disorders can take the most out of it:

Prescription Glasses

Refractive errors like Myopia (nearsightedness), Hyperopia (farsightedness), Presbyopia and Astigmatism can affect depth perception. In case you present an eye condition related to refractive errors, you can take advantage of regular prescribed glasses.

If your depth perception cannot be improved with regular prescription lenses, because of any other underlying cause, i.e. strabismus or double vision, you can try glasses designed for people who struggle with depth perception, like the Prism glasses. These specialized glasses can significantly enhance your ability to perceive depth.

Eye Exercises

Eye exercises can strengthen eye muscles and improve coordination. These exercises are especially useful for those with strabismus, amblyopia and other vision issues.

  1. Eye Rolling: Roll your eyes clockwise, then counterclockwise. This exercise helps in strengthening the eye muscles.
  2. Shifting Your Gaze: Focus on a nearby object, then shift your gaze to an object across the room. This helps in improving eye coordination.
  3. Pencil Push Therapy: Hold a pencil at arm's length, pointed towards the ceiling. Slowly move the pencil closer to your nose while tracking its movement. This exercise enhances focus and depth perception.

A more deeper comprehension of the importance of this type of exercises can be obtained thanks to the lazy eye exercises approach.


In some cases, where there's a vision impairment in which one eye is stronger than the other an eye doctor may recommend patching your stronger eye for a period to strengthen your weaker eye. This method is often used for children with amblyopia, in the form of an eye patch for lazy eye, and squint in the form of strabismus eye patch.

Real Life Depth Perception Games

Engaging in activities that challenge your visual system can also improve depth perception. Here are some fun ways to do so:

Playing Catch

This helps in coordinating hand-eye movements.


Juggling requires precise depth perception and timing.

Jumping Rope

This activity helps in synchronizing your visual system with your movements.

Any 3D Visualizations

If you have a normal binocular vision but are looking to stimulate your visual system you can do it by exposing yourself to 3D images and movies. Watching 3D movies or using virtual reality (VR) headsets can be a fun way to improve depth perception.

Spotting Hidden Images

Sample of stereogram.
Click in the image to expand it

For people with healthy vision, games that require finding hidden images, like the famous stereograms, can train your visual system. In the sample stereogram shown above you should be able to see 3 butterflies, but don't panic if you can't, it's actually hard at the beginning.

Master Depth Perception with Vision Therapy

A vision therapist can help you improve your binocular vision and depth perception with exercises, activities, and devices. Vision therapy is particularly effective for individuals with severe vision issues, in fact it's one of the most effective ways to fix lazy eye in adults.

Grasping depth perception by overcoming strabismus and lazy eye

Equal-Eyes: An Innovative VR Vision Therapy For Recovering Binocular Vision

Strabismus, Amblyopia Virtual Reality Solution by AvalonwebVR
Equal-Eyes is committed to providing valuable guides and information on overcoming strabismus, lazy eye, and binocular vision disorders. Our team offers Equal-Eyes, an innovative VR vision therapy tailored for adults with lazy eye and binocular vision dysfunctions. We understand the challenges faced by those dealing with these disorders and strive to offer effective solutions and support. This vision therapy solution doesn't required medical prescription, though we strongly recommend medical supervision.

For more information and resources, keep navigating this website and explore our comprehensive guides and our unique BVD visual therapy option.

The Importance of Depth Perception for Athletes

For athletes, depth perception is crucial for performance. Whether it's hitting a baseball, catching a football, or judging the distance of a golf shot, good depth perception can make a significant difference.

Related treatments based on underlaying cause

The treatment options for depth perception issues depend on the cause of the problem.

  • Strabismus: Glasses or surgery may be required to straighten the eyes.
  • Amblyopia: Patching the unaffected eye can help strengthen the weaker eye.
  • Other Conditions: Treatment for cataracts, glaucoma, or other conditions may be necessary. Consult your eye doctor for the best possible treatment options.

Tips for Improving Depth Perception

  1. Give Your Eyes a Break at Home: Regular breaks can prevent eye strain and improve overall eye health.
  2. Strengthen Your Eye Muscles: Regular eye exercises can make a big difference.
  3. Use Vision Training Tools: Various apps and tools can help in training your eyes, like Equal-Eyes.
  4. Increase Repetitions That Challenge Your Depth Perception: Daily activities like those mentioned before can be repeated for better results.

Other Tips to Cope

For people with limited sight in one eye but good sight in the other, there are strategies to adapt:

  • Driving: Monitor the relative speed of other cars and how light affects them. Spatial cues can help gauge distance.
  • Reducing Glare: Clean your windshield and adjust your mirrors to minimize glare.

As it can be seen, it is possible to people that rely on monocular cues to be able to judge depth perception.


Improving depth perception is a crucial endeavor for everyone, from athletes aiming to enhance their performance to individuals with visual impairments seeking better quality of life. Through methods like prescription glasses, eye exercises, patching, real-life depth perception games, and vision therapy, one can significantly boost their ability to judge distances and spatial relationships. These approaches, tailored to individual needs, offer a range of options to help improve and master depth perception, emphasizing that even small, consistent effort can lead to remarkable improvements. Prioritizing eye health and seeking regular professional guidance ensures the best possible outcomes for maintaining and enhancing this vital visual skill.

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