Top 3 Eye Exercises For Double Vision + FREE Downloadable Tool

Top 3 Eye Exercises For Double Vision + FREE Downloadable Tool

Experiencing double vision, also known as diplopia, can be incredibly frustrating and disorienting. Whether it's seeing two images of a single object, blurred vision, or difficulty focusing, double vision can significantly impact your daily life. While it's crucial to consult an eye doctor for diagnosis and treatment, certain eye exercises for double vision may help alleviate symptoms of diplopia and improve visual function.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the common causes of double vision.
  • Discover 3 effective at-home eye exercises for diplopia.
  • Explore the limitations of eye exercises for double vision.
  • Learn about effective vision therapy exercises that may help alleviate symptoms.
  • Discover how virtual reality (VR) vision therapy can complement traditional exercises.

About Double Vision

Double vision occurs when your eyes are not aligned properly, sending different images to your brain. This can result in seeing two images of the same object, blurred vision, or difficulty focusing.

Causes of Double Vision

Several factors can contribute to double vision, including:

  • Strabismus: Misalignment of the eyes, such as crossed eyes or turned outward eyes.
  • Neurological conditions: Conditions like stroke, brain tumors, and multiple sclerosis can affect the nerves that control eye movement.
  • Head trauma: Injuries to the head can disrupt the nerve signals to the eyes.
  • Certain medications: Some medications can have side effects that include double vision.
  • Underlying medical conditions: Conditions such as diabetes, thyroid disease, and certain autoimmune disorders can sometimes cause double vision.

Top At-Home Eye Exercises For Diplopia

1. Pencil Push-Ups

Instructions: Hold a pencil at arm's length, focus on it, and slowly move it closer to your nose. Stop when the pencil becomes blurry or doubled, then move it back. Make 3 series of 5–10 repetitions, 1–3 times a day.

Step 1: Convergence

Pencil push ups convergence
Step 1: Convergence

Step 2: Divergence

Step 2: Divergence

Goal: The goal of this eye exercise is to practice eye muscle control, specifically convergence.

2. Dot Card

Instructions: You should perform this exercises for 10-15 minutes per day, breaking it into 2 to 3 sessions.

For this exercise you will need a sample of a dot card:

Free Dot Card Sample
Dot Card FREE Sample

Step 1: Place the dot card tilted below eye level, with the start of the dot at your nose.

Step 2: Focus your gaze on the furthest dot, making sure it's single and clear. The rest of the dots near to you will appear double and it'll appear as an inverted V.

Step 3: Slowly move your focus down the line, from the furthest dot to the closes dot to the nose. It'll appear as an "X".

Step 4: If you struggle to keep the next closest dot single and clear, you can try to blink and close your eyes to refocus. If after it, it still remains double move back to the last dot you can keep single at.

Step 5: Hold focus at the closest dot to your nose for 10 seconds.

Step 6: At this point, close your eyes and then look far away for 5-10 seconds.

Step 7: Focus on the furthest dot and repeat the entire process from step 2 to step 6.

Note: At the end of the exercise sessions, you need to relax your eyes by looking out of a window at a faraway object and then closing your eyes for a few minutes. Don't try to do near work immediately.

Goal: The goal is to improve the ability to bring in both eyes together while stimulating peripheral awareness and binocular vision.

3. Stereograms

If you have a normal binocular vision but are looking to stimulate your visual system and reducing the symptoms of diplopia you can do it by exposing yourself to 3D images and movies. The best simplest way to do this at home is by watching stereograms and Spotting Hidden Images.

Sample of stereogram.
Click in the image to expand it

For people with healthy vision, games that require finding hidden images, like the famous stereograms, can train your visual system. In the sample stereogram shown above you should be able to see 3 butterflies, but don't panic if you can't, it's actually hard at the beginning.

The Role of Eye Exercises in Managing Double Vision

While eye exercises can be a helpful part of a comprehensive treatment plan for some individuals, it's important to understand their limitations.

Limitations of Eye Exercises

  • Not a Cure-All: Eye exercises alone may not completely eliminate double vision, especially in cases caused by underlying medical conditions such as neurological disorders or serious eye diseases.
  • May Provide Some Relief: However, certain eye exercises can help improve eye coordination, focusing skills, and eye-hand coordination, which may alleviate some of the symptoms of double vision.
  • Best Used as Part of a Comprehensive Treatment Plan: Eye exercises are most effective when used in conjunction with other treatment options recommended by your eye doctor or vision therapist.

Effective Eye Exercises for Double Vision

Here are a few examples of eye exercises that may help improve eye coordination and alleviate some symptoms of double vision:

  • Focus on a distant object: Focus on a distant object, such as a tree or a building, for a few seconds. Then, shift your gaze to a nearby object, such as your finger held at arm's length. Repeat this exercise several times.
  • Follow a moving object: Slowly move a pen or your finger across your field of vision and follow it with your eyes.
  • Convergence/divergence exercises: Bring your finger closer to your nose and then slowly move it away. Focus on your finger as it moves towards and away from your face.

Vision Therapy must be a part of your Treatment Plan

Enhancing Vision Therapy with Virtual Reality

In recent years, virtual reality (VR) technology has revolutionized the field of vision therapy, which can be used in the treatment of diplopia. VR-based vision therapy offers a more engaging and interactive approach to improving eye coordination and visual function compared to traditional exercises.

  • VR environments can provide a more immersive and motivating experience, making it more enjoyable and effective for patients.
  • VR programs can be personalized to address individual needs and progress, providing a customized treatment plan.
  • VR therapy can be performed at home, offering flexibility and convenience.

Equal-Eyes is a leading provider of VR vision therapy solutions, offering innovative and effective programs to improve eye health and visual function.

Strabismus, Amblyopia Virtual Reality Solution by AvalonwebVR
I'm interested in Equal-Eyes

When to See a Doctor

If you experience double vision, it's crucial to consult an eye doctor or neurologist for proper diagnosis. Double vision can be a symptom of serious underlying medical conditions. A comprehensive eye exam can help identify the cause of your double vision and determine the most appropriate course of treatment.


In conclusion, while eye exercises can offer some relief for double vision symptoms, they are most effective when used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan. Consulting an eye doctor is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. Consider incorporating vision therapy, including VR-based approaches like Equal-Eyes, into your treatment plan for a more engaging and personalized approach to improving eye health and visual function.

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