Android Configuration


Prior to using the Moke Controller ensure it is in gaming mode. See the Android setup page to set this up. Also note, the moke will sometimes sleep due to in-activity. If this happens, power it on and re-configure it for gaming mode again.

On starting Equal-Eyes you will be presented with an outdoor scene and a  menu. Using the moke thumbstick select the Setup option and press the B Trigger.  A large target will appear ahead of you. If the target is not directly in-front of you, press the Trigger A button on your moke controller to re-centre.


Once the menu is in view, Select the Setup option. This will present you with a Large Cross Hair Style Target

Press the Trigger B button to bring up the Menu.

Select the "Weak Eye" menu option using by moving the thumbstick Up or Down. Once selected Press Trigger B.

Observing the right hand panel below the target, use the thumbstick Left/Right motion to tick the check box representing your Weak Eye.

Once done Press the Trigger B button to set it.

Next you need to balance your Strong Eye with your Weak Eye.

This can be achieved by either reducing the Brightness of your Strong Eye or Increasing the amount of Blur in your Strong Eye. Sometimes a combination of both is desired according to your visual condition.

To achieve this, select either the "Blurring" or "Brightness" option in the menu. Press Trigger B to activate the function and using the thumbstick Up/Down motion, set the desired level and pressing Trigger B once done.

The desired effect is to reduce the quality of the good Eye image to that of the Weak Eye. This is required to remove the dominance effect of the Strong Eye. By removing the dominance, any occlusion of the Weak Eye by the brain will be reduced. 

Now you are able to perform the Eye's alignment.

Select and activate the X/Y correction in the menu.   

Use the left and right action of the thumbstick to align the balls in both eyes so that they appear on top of each other (aligned horizontally).

Note: if you require any vertical correction (Hypertropia or Hypotropia Error) then the align the balls so that they are aligned on the vertical axis as shown below.


Once aligned horizontally you may press the Trigger B button to store the setting. However, if one ball is above the other you may move the thumbstick in the Up/Down direction to adjust the balls so that they are fully overlapped as shown below.

Once set Press the Trigger B button.


If you suffer with Torsional Error this too can be adjusted. 

Activate "Torsion" in the menu. 

Move the thumbstick in the Left/Right direction to effectively "Twist" the images in both eyes until the cross hairs are rotationally aligned as per below. Again, press Trigger B to set the values.


You may find you have to repeat the whole process until you are finally happy with the adjustments made. This will improve with practice.

After doing this you may find that the ball tends to wander in one eye. This is quite normal. The brain is not used to the images being aligned and will constantly try to move it out of alignment. Don't be frustrated by this. The effect will disappear over time.

Once fully aligned, you will need to set all the values in memory for next time.

Select "Save and Exit" from the menu and press the Trigger B button. If you don't wish to save the values, simply select "Abort and Exit" 

It is important to note: What you have done has removed all physical errors from your vision within the application (not real world). In order to get benefit from the Equal-Eyes exercises, you should make the Setup Adjustments described above but leave a small amount of error.  With practice this small amount of error should be corrected by your own interaction (Baby steps).

Now is a good time to make a paper record of the the details shown in the "Vergence Attitude" panel below the target. This can be referred back to any time to see how you are improving.